Data is an increasingly valuable commodity in today’s digital age. So much so that a single person’s email address is worth $89 to the right brand. Access to your data is just as important, if not more so. What good is your company’s data if employees, executives, and clients can’t access what they need when they need it, regardless of their location? After the whirlwind events of the last two years, the workplace has changed. Remote work and telecommuting took the world by storm in 2020, and it’s clear that it is here to stay. According to a recent survey by SHRM Research Institute, nearly half of today’s workers plan to seek a remote position for their next job. Give your employees the tools they need to succeed from anywhere in the world. To find out How to Harness the Power of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure: A Private Cloud Solution for Your Business


Everything you need to know about Virtual Desktop Infrastructure AKA Private Cloud Technology

Hybrid Cloud Solution


What exactly is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, and why should your company prioritize it as a technology resource? Virtual Desktop Infrastructure gives employees, clients, and executives access to key company data from anywhere in the world. Company data may include email, server access, and critical applications. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure plays a critical role in the modern workplace and is used by companies all over the world. When the Covid Pandemic sent scores of employees home for months on end and created a new sector of employees who continue to work remotely, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure proved vital to the working world. VDI allows users to access company computer systems from almost any device, like your phone, tablet, or computer. This eliminates the need for organizations to provide, manage, and replace employees with physical devices. With Private Cloud Technology, a company can run traditional desktop workloads on centralized servers to support remote workers and employees working in separate offices. VDI/ Private Cloud Technology works to protect sensitive company data and applications, even when accessed on non-company devices, by running from highly secure data centers. Additionally, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure/ Private Cloud Technology allows users to access company data on their personal devices without worrying about mixing personal data with company-related assets.


How does Virtual Desktop Infrastructure/ Private Cloud Technology work?

Virtual desktop infrastructure


VDI/ Private Cloud Technology typically uses server hardware to run desktop operating systems, like Mac OS or windows, on a virtual machine with a desktop hosted on a centralized server within a physical data center. There are two types of VDI virtual desktops, Persistent and nonpersistent. A Persistent Virtual Desktop allows users to customize their personal desktop and save their work progress for future use, just like a traditional desktop. The virtual desktop behaves exactly like a traditional desktop. Each user has their own login, which gives them access to their unique desktop experience from anywhere in the world. Persistent Virtual Desktops are used in workplaces and schools all over the world. A Nonpersistent Virtual Desktop gives users access to a system of uniform desktops that can be accessed from anywhere. Unlike Persistent Virtual Desktops, these virtual desktops are not customizable to each user’s needs, and users cannot save their work to pick up later. Once a user logs out, the desktop returns to its original state. Nonpersistent Virtual Desktops are utilized in computer labs, call centers, and public libraries.


Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure / Private Cloud Technology


Hybrid cloud

In today’s information age, where employees clock in from anywhere and everywhere, from the living room at home to halfway around the world, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure/ Private Cloud Technology is highly relevant and beneficial to the modern business. One of the primary benefits of desktop virtualization is that it gives users remote access from anywhere in the world, allowing for increased productivity and device portability. Because Virtual Desktop Infrastructure / Private Cloud Technology is centralized in a secure data center, it can enhance a company’s ability to protect its own data. Utilizing Private Cloud Technology could save your company money because Virtual Desktop Infrastructure is server-based, there’s no need for expensive hardware. Companies using Virtual Desktop Infrastructure may also be able to take advantage of their data center’s other offers, like cloud storage, increased security, data backup, recovery, and more. Take a look at our Colocation Services in Texas.


To learn more about Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Private Cloud Technology, head to Thin-nology, Central Texas’ premier data center.