Our mission is to make technology an asset for our clients businesses.


    Our mission is to make technology an asset for our clients businesses. If our solution is not the correct fit, then we will offer our recommendation for a better solution. We strive to integrate technology seamlessly with our clients businesses needs, to encourage growth.

    We are often asked where did the name “Thin-nology” come from? There are numerous guesses as to what industry or application it is associated to. The name actually combines two words – “Thin-Clients” which is a simple computer used for remoting environments and Technology, an area where we pride ourselves as an area of expertise. Thus, “Thin-Clients” + “Technology” yields “Thin-nology.” Starting at our name, our promise is to ensure any company can be virtualized through our superior technology and customer service.

    Our employees are an integral part of our success and we will always treat them with respect and dignity. All employees are empowered to make decisions that will improve our service, improve our standing within the communities we serve, and improve the lives of their fellow employees.

    As a Company we always strive to be a good corporate citizen and put more into each and every community we are part of than we take.


    For nearly two decades, Thin-nology has been providing Business Centric Technology Solutions to a wide variety of industries. Our services include colocation, server rental(s), cloud solutions (see our Dallas Remote Working Services), disaster recovery, and application hosting and management. Our goal is to enable our clients in achieving 100 percent uptime for all their technology needs, which assures them that their investments in technology to run their business has the highest return on their investment.


    Businesses can achieve their business objectives utilizing Thin-nology’s strength and experience. Thin-nology was one of the nation’s first to offer Cloud Services and apply virtualization as a business tool.

    Thin-nology believes that technology must provide a business solution that includes cost reduction, increased productivity, and enhanced security.


    At the center of Thin-nology’s process is our team of professionals.

    We only employ engineers to support both our internal needs and client systems alike.

    Be it our help desk, or your assigned case manager, our clients are serviced by the best professional engineers available.